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Microdermabrasion Crystals DIY Exfoliating Facial Scrub Skin Care
  • Microdermabrasion Crystals DIY Exfoliating Facial Scrub Skin Care

    SKU: 1d4decd9

    NeedCrystals Microdermabrasion Crystals (1 lb. / 454 g.) DIY Face Scrub. Natural Facial Exfoliator for Dull or Dry Skin Improves Acne Scars, Blackheads, Pore Size, Wrinkles, Blemishes & Skin Texture

    Microbead-free Beauty Products

    Highest Quality Professional Microdermabrasion Crystals

    We've scoured the world and tested aluminum oxide crystals from a variety of sources. After extensive research and use we have found the best quality aluminum oxide crystals available in the country today.

    • These Microdermabrasion cryst